Princeton University, History: M.A. (1979); Ph.D. (1984)
Ecole Normale Supérieure (1971-72)
Harvard University, Social Studies, B.A. (1971)
“The Making of a Medieval Historian: Ademar of Chabannes and Aquitaine at the Turn of the Millennium” Princeton, 1984
Associate Professor, History, Boston University, 1997-
Director, Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University, 1996-
Assistant Professor, History, Boston University, 1990-1997
Assistant Professor, History, University of Pittsburgh, 1986-1990
Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow, Columbia University, 1984-1986
1998-2002 Lilly Foundation, Annual Millennial Studies Conference Series
1997-98 Franklin Mint, Grant to the Center for Millennial Studies
1997-98 Open Society Institute, George Soros Foundation, Individual Grant
1996 Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities, Conference Grants
1996 Lilly Foundation, Conference Grant
1995 Boston University Humanities Foundation Seminar Grant
1993 Boston University Humanities Foundation Seminar Grant
1992 Society of Fellows, Boston University
1990 Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherche de l’Histoire des Textes
1989 University of Pittsburgh Faculty Research Grant
1988-89 Olin Foundation Research Fellowship
1988-89 University of Pittsburgh Faculty Research Grant
1987 National Endowment for the Humanities Travel to Collections
1987 American Council of Learned Societies, International Conference Grant
1987 University of Pittsburgh Faculty Research Grant
1985-86 MacArthur Faculty Research Grant for Peace and Conflict Studies, Columbia University
1984-86 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, Columbia
1980 European Studies Research Grant, Princeton University
1977-80 Princeton University Graduate Fellowship
1971-72 Harvard University Tower Fellowship to the Ecole Normale Supérieure
The Apocalyptic Year 1000: Studies in the Mutation of European Culture, essays edited by R. Landes, Andrew Gow, and D. Van Meter (Oxford University Press, 2003)
Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements, ed. Richard Landes (Berkshire Reference Works; Routledge, NY, 2000)
Ademari Cabannensis Chronicon, ed. Pascale Bourgain, Richard Landes and Georges Pon, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medieualis, 129 (Tournout, Brepols, 1999)
Relics, Apocalypse, and the Deceits of History: Ademar of Chabannes (989-1034) (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1995)
The Peace of God: Social Violence and Religious Response in France around the Year 1000, ed. Thomas Head and Richard Landes (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992)
Naissance d’Apotre: Les origines de la Vita prolixior de Saint Martial de Limoges au XIe siècle with K. Paupert, trans. of the Vita prolixior (Turnhout: Brepols, 1991)Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience (Oxford University Press, 2010)
The Paranoid Apocalypse: A Hundred Year Retrospective on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, ed. Stephen Katz and Richard Landes (NYU Press, NY)
“De Pax! Pax! Pax! à Deus le volt! Les cris et crises millennials du premier siècle du deuxième millénaire chrétien,” for a volume in honor of Alphonse Dupront, Ecole française de Rome, forthcoming.
“The Varieties of the Millennial Experience,” The Apocalyptic Complex: Origins-Histories-Permanences. ed. Nadia Al-Bagdadi, David Marno, and Matthia Riedl (Budapest: Central European University, forthcoming).
“Proud to be Ashamed to Be a Jew: Pathological Self Criticism and Epistemological Crisis,” in Global Anti-Semitism: A Crisis of Modernity, ed. Charles Small
Chapter 1 “The Paranoid Imperative and the Political Logic of the Protocols”; and
Chapter 13, “Jewish Self-Criticism, Progressive Moral Schadenfreude and the Suicide of Reason: Reflections on the Protocols in the ‘Postmodern’ Era” in The Paranoid Apocalypse.
“Goldstone’s Gaza Report, Part I: A Failure of Intelligence, Part II: A Miscarriage of Human Rights,” Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA), January 2010.
“Jews as Contested Ground in Post-Modern Conspiracy Theory, Jewish Political Studies Review, Vol. 19, Nos. 3-4 (2007), 9-34.
“Edward Said and the Culture of Honor and Shame: Orientalism and Our Misperceptions of the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” in Donna Divine and Philip Salzman, eds., Postcolonial Theory and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (London: Routledge, 2007) [Special issue of Israel Affairs,13:4 (2007), 84-58.
“Economic Development and Demotic Religiosity: Reflections on the Eleventh-Century Takeoff,” History in the Comic Mode: The New Medieval Cultural History, ed. Rachel Fulton and Bruce Holsinger (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), pp. 101-16.
“Roosters Crow, Owls Hoot: On the Dynamics of Apocalyptic Millennialism,” in War in Heaven, Heaven on Earth: Theories of the Apocalyptic, ed. Glen S. McGhee & Stephen O’Leary (Equinox Press, London, 2005), pp. 19-46.
“A White Mantle of Churches: Millennial Dynamics and the Written and Architectural Record,” in The White Mantle of Churches: Architecture, Liturgy, and Art around the Millennium, ed. Nigel Hiscock and Nancy Wu (New York, 2002), pp. 251-66.
“What Happens when Jesus Doesn’t Come? Jewish and Christian Relations in Apocalyptic Time,” in Millennial Violence: Past Present and Future, ed. Jeffrey Kaplan (Frank Cass, London, 2002), pp. 243-74.
“The Fruitful Error: Reconsidering Millennial Enthusiasm,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 32:1 (2001), 89-98
“The Historiographical Fear of an Apocalyptic Year 1000: Augustinian History Medieval and Modern,” Speculum 75 (2000), 97-145
“Apocalyptic Expectation, Anti-Semitism, and the Dynamics of Western Culture at the Approach of the Year 2000,” in A New Millennium: From Dialogue to Reconciliation, Christian and Jewish Reflections, ed. Eugene J. Fisher and Leon Klenicki (ADL, New York, 2000), pp. 43-50.
"Qui a peur de l’an mil ? Un débat électronique aux approches de l’an 2000," par P. J. Geary, R. Landes, A.G. Remensnyder, T. Reuter, dirigé par B.H. Rosenwein, in L'an mil en 2000 = Medievales 37 (1999), 15-55
“The Birth of Popular Heresy: A Millennial Phenomenon,” Journal of Religious History 24 (2000): 26-43.
“Introduction” to the second edition of Arthur Mendel, Vision and Violence, University of Michigan Press, 1999, pp. v-xviii.
“Millennialism Now and Then,” in Calling Time: Religion and Change at the Turn of the Millennium, ed. Martyn Percy (Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 2000), pp. 233-61.
“While God Tarried: Modernity as Frankenstein’s Millennium,” Deolog, 4 (1997), 6-9, 22-27, 41, 45.
"Terreurs apocalyptiques et mutations personelles et sociales: Sur les dynamiques psychologiques de l'attente eschatologique," in Avoir Peur, special issue of Le fait de l'analyse 3 (1997): 163-79.
"The Apocalyptic Year 1000: Then and Now" in The Year 2000, ed. Charles Strozier and Michael Flynn (Rowman and Littlefield, London, 1997), pp. 13-29; reprinted without notes in The 21st Century, ed. Hilary D. Claggett, special edition of The Reference Shelf 71:5 (1999): 12-32; translated into German, "Das apokalyptische Jahr 1000: Damals und heute," Skeptiker (1999) 12, 1/2, 17-31.
"Rodulfus Glaber and the Dawn of the New Millennium: Eschatology, Historiography and the Year 1000" Revue Mabillon n.s 7 [=68] (1996): 1-21.
“The Massacres of 1010: On the Origins of Popular Anti-Jewish Violence in Western Europe,” in From Witness to Witchcraft: Jews and Judaism in Medieval Christian Thought, ed. Jeremy Cohen (Wolfenbüttel: Wolfenbüttler Mittelalterlichen-Studien, 1996), pp.79-112.
“Owls, Roosters,and Apocalyptic Time: A Historical Method for Reading a Refractory Documentation,” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 49 (1996): 165-85.
“Autour d’Adémar de Chabannes (+1034): Précisions chronologiques au sujet du Limousin vers l’an Mil” Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin 122 (1994): 23-54.
“Sur les traces du Millennium: La via negativa,” Le Moyen Age, 99 (1993), 5-26.
“Millenarismus absconditus: L’historiographie augustinienne et l’An Mil,” Le Moyen Age 98:3-4 (1992): 355-77
“Une nouvelle hérésie est né dans le monde,” with Pierre Bonnassie, in Les sociétés méridionales autour de l’An Mil: Répertoire de sources et documents commentés, ed. Michel Zimmermann (Toulouse: CNRS, 1992), pp. 435-59
“Introduction: France at the Turn of the Millennium,” with Thomas Head, in The Peace of God, ed. Head and Landes (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992), pp. 1-20; reprinted in The 1000s (Greenhaven Press, 2001).
“Between Aristocracy and Heresy: Popular Participation in the Limousin Peace of God (994-1032)” in Head and Landes, The Peace of God (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992), pp. 184-219
“La vie apostolique en Aquitaine au tournant du millennium: Paix de Dieu, culte de reliques et communautés ‘hérétiques’,” Annales, 46:3 (1991): 573-83.
“The absence of St. Martial of Limoges from the Pilgrim’s Guide: A Note Based on Work in Progress,” in The Codex Calixtinus and the Shrine of St. James, ed. John Williams (Tübingen, 1991), pp. 231-37.
“Anachronistic economics: grain storage in medieval England,” with John Komlos, Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 44.1 (1990): 36-45; “Alice to the Red Queen. Re: imperious econometrics,” with John Komlos, EHR 133-36.
“L’accession des Capétiens: Une reconsidération selon les sources,” Religion et Culture autour de l’An Mil: Royaume capétien et Lotharingie (Paris: Picard, 1990), pp.151-66
“Literacy and the Origins of Inquisitorial Christianity: The Exegetical Battle between Hierarchy and Community in the Christian Empire (300-500),” in Social History and Issues in Human Consciousness: Some Interdisciplinary Connections, ed. A.E. Barnes & P.N. Stearns (New York: New York University Press, 1989), pp. 137-70
“Lest the Millennium be Fulfilled: Apocalyptic Expectations and the Pattern of Western Chronography, 100-800 CE,” The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages, ed. W. Verbeke, D. Verhelst, and A. Welkenhuysen (Katholieke U., Leuven, 1988), 137-211
“The Dynamics of Heresy and Reform: Popular Participation in the ‘Peace of God’ Movement in Limoges, 994-1033),” Essays on the Peace of God: The Church and the People in Eleventh Century France, ed. Thomas Head and Richard Landes, special issue of Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques, 14.3 (1987): 467-511.
“A Libellus from St. Martial at the Time of Ademar of Chabannes: Un faux à Retardement,” Scriptorium, 37 (1983): 178-204.
Encyclopedia articles
- World Encyclopedia of Peace (Pergamon Press, 1984): Pax Dei, (with F. Paxton)
- The Dictionary of the Middle Ages (MacMillan Press, 1986, 1989):
• Radulphus Glaber
• Year Thousand, Terrors of - 3) Lexikon des Mittelalters (Artemis Verlag, 1993): “Sankt Martial”
- Dictionary of the Social Sciences (Garland, 1994):
• Millennialism
• Scapegoating - Encyclopedia of Medieval France, ed. John Henneman and Grover Zinn (Garland, 1995):
• 1) Castellan 2) Commune 3) Consuetudines 4) Hugh Capet 5) Peace of God 6) Robert II 7) Truce of God 8) Adalbero of Laon 9) Ademar of Chabannes 10) Apostolic Heresies 11) Cappuciati 12) Cathars 13) Heresy 14) Saint Martial 15) Millenarianism 16) Rodulfus Glaber 17) Waldensians 18) William of Volpiano - Dictionnaire encyclopédique du Moyen Age chrétien (Editions du Cerf):
• L’an Mil
• Paix et Trève de Dieu
• Adémar de Chabannes - Encyclopedia of World Religions, ed. Wendy Doniger (Merriam-Webster, Springfield MA, 1999) “Eschatology,” pp. 727-37
- Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements, ed. Richard Landes (Routledge, NY, 2000):
• Introduction,
• Western Millennialism,
• Peace of God,
• Year 1000 - Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism, ed. Brenda Brasher (Routledge, NY, 2001): “Chiliasm”, pp. 92-3
- Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, ed. J. Wentzel Vrede van Huyssteen (Macmillan Reference, NY, 2002):
• “End of the World, Religious and Philosophical Aspects” and
• “Millennialism” - Encyclopedia of Protestantism, ed. Hillerbrand (Routledge, 2003)
- Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition, ed. Richard Golden (ABL-CIO ltd., London, 2006), • • • Millennialism,
• Jules Michelet
Book Reviews
Stephen White, Custom, Kinship and Gifts to Saints, in Journal of Ritual Studies, 4.1 (1990): 369-72
Geoffrey Koziol, Begging Pardon and Favor, in Speculum 68 (1993): 822-824
Radulphus Glaber’s Quinque libri historiarum, in Speculum 68:1 (1993): 247-49
Marcus Bull, Knightly Piety and the Lay Response to the First Crusade, in Speculum, 71 (1996): 135-38
Robert Bartlett, The Making of Europe, in Social History, 30 (1996): 546-52
Eugen Weber, Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults and Millennial Beliefs through the Ages in Journal of Interdisciplinary History 32 (2001):89-98
Robert Lerner, The Feast of Abraham: Medieval Millenarianism and the Jews, in Speculum 79:3 (2004): 789-792
According to Palestinian Sources, I: Pallywood (21 minutes, September 2005)
According to Palestinian Sources, II: Muhamed al Durah and Talal abu Rahma (December 2005)
According to Palestinian Sources, III: Icon of Hatred: al Durah’s Global Impact (June 2007)
Gaza Beach Tragedy: Exploiting Grief (December, 2007)
While God Tarried: Demotic Millennialism from Jesus to the Peace of God, 33-1033
They’re so Smart because We’re so Stupid: A Medievalist’s Guide to the 21st Century
Conferences Organized:
- Program of three panels entitled “The Terrestrial and The Heavenly Peace in the Middle Ages” Conference on Medieval Transformations (Utrecht, May 9-11)
- The Millennial Cusp: Western Culture at the Approach of a Millennial Date, Public Panel (Boston, October 22, 1996)
- Music of the Millennium: Ademar’s Apostolic Mass of 997 Anno Passionis, Public Performance with Introductory Playlet (Marsh Chapel, Boston University, November 2, 1996)
- The Apocalyptic Year 1000: History and Historiography, 1st International Conference of Millennial Studies (November 3-5, 1996, Boston University).
- Israel and Antichrist: Jews in Christian Apocalyptic Scenarios, Public Panel discussion (Hebrew College, November 5, 1996)
- The Apocalyptic Outsider: Millennial Views of the “Unbeliever” in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 2nd International Conference on Millennial Studies (Boston University, Nov. 1997)
- Knowing of a Time, Knowing the Time: On Dating the End of the World 3rd International Conference on Millennial Studies (Boston University, Nov. 1998)
- Millennialism and Its Risks: The Case for Jerusalem 2000 (Jerusalem, June 20-23, 1999)
- New World Orders: Millennialism in the Western Hemisphere, 4th International Conference on Millennial Studies (Boston University, Nov. 1999)
- Advisory Taskforce on the Millennium in Jerusalem (Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, Jerusalem Israel)
- Swords into Plowshares: Mass Enthusiasm, Peace Movements and Transformational Millennialism, 5th International Conference on Millennial Studies (Boston University, Oct. 2000)
- Unbinding Prometheus to Build the New Jerusalem: Millennialism, Technology, and Power, 6th International Conference on Millennial Studies (Boston University, Nov. 2001)
- Sweet in the Mouth, Bitter in the Stomach: Millennial Disappointment and its Transformations (7th International Conference on Millennial Studies (Boston University, Nov. 2002)
- Reconsidering the “ Protocols of the Elders of Zion”: 100 Years after the Forgery (Boston University, Oct. 30-31, 2005, Boston University)
- Media as Theater of War: Lessons from Lebanon (Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, December 2006)
Symposium Series at Center for Millennial Studies
- Marian Apparitions and the Millennium (Boston University, February 7, 1999)
- Holocaust as Millennial Moment (Boston University, March 7, 1999)
- Engendering the Millennium (Boston University, April 18, 1999)
- Y2K Municipal Scenario Enactment (Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, January, 1999)
- Chinese Millennialism: Political Authority and Protest (Boston University/Harvard University May, June, 2002)
- When Cain is the ‘Other’: On the “Other” in the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” American Jewish Studies Conference, Washington DC, December 21, 2008
- “Wild vs. Domesticated Millennialism: On the Dynamics of Peace and War in Apocalyptic Movements,” American Academy of Religion, Chicago, Nov 2, 2008
- “The Naked Emperor and the First Blood Libel of the 21st Century: The Al Durah Affair and the Dysfunctions of the Mainstream Media,” Yale University, September 25, 2008
- “Radical Islam and its impact on Academic Freedom,” Binghamton University, April 23, 2008
- “Self-Criticism and Identifying Demopaths: A Pressing Agendum for the Humanities in the 21st Century,” Creating the New Humanist in Undergraduate Education, Boston U. April 18, 2008
- “The Role of the Media as Actor in the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” Canadian Institute for Jewish Research, Montreal, February 24, 2008
- “The Mohammed Al-Dura Fallacy: Historical Developments and Lessons to be Drawn,” JCPA, Jerusalem, January 13, 2008
- “Icon of Hatred: The Muhammad al Dura Affair: From Media to Internet to Courtroom,” GLORIA Center, IDC, Herzliya, January 9, 2008
- “The Al Durah Affair and the Ethics of Journalism,” Ethics and Journalism, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, December 30, 2007
- “Islamic Apocalypticism in the 21st Century,” Conference on Apocalypticism, CEU, Budapest (December 6-8, 2007)
- “L’affaire al Durah et les Accusations de meutres rituelles,” Colloque: Le mythe du meurtre rituel, d’hier à aujourd’hui, Collège des études juives de l’Alliance israélite universelle, Paris, November 18, 2007
- “Conspiracy Theories from Margins to Center Stage: Dynamics and Implications,” Conference on Anti-Semitism, Multi-culturalism and Ethnic Identity at Hebrew University (Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism), June 16, 2006.
- “The Purloined Letter, Orientalism and our Misperceptions of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Edward Said and the Culture of Honor and Shame,” Case Western Reserve, October 2005.
- “The Melian Dialogue and the Jewish Contribution to Modernity: Gentile Paranoia from Medieval to Post-Modern,” Boston University, October 30, 2005.
- “Slowly Adjusting to Shifting Paradigms: The Problems of 20th Century Jewish Leadership Dealing with 21st Century Problems,” Hebrew University, July, 2005
- “The Dynamics of the Apocalyptic Wave,” at “Tactics and Strategy for Advancing the Salafi Jihadist Cause.” Held by Counterterrorism Center, Washington DC.
- “Political Hebraism and Demotic Religiosity” at “Political Hebraism: Judaic Sources in Early Modern Political Thought”, Shalem Center, Jerusalem, Israel, August 2004
- “Demotic Religiosity and Apostolic Heresy,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo Michigan, May, 2004
- “Economic Development and Demotic Religiosity in the Central Middle Ages,” Keynote lecture at the 3rd Annual Vagantes Conference, Cornell, March 2004
- “Rule or Be Ruled!: Overcoming the Dominating Imperative, Aniconic Monotheism, and the Origins of Civil Society in the West,” to the Department of Political Science, Cornell, March 2004
- “Apocalyptic Islam, Conspiracy Theories and Antisemitism,” Williams College, MA, February, 2004
- “The New Chosen People: The Peace of God and the Origins of European Exceptionalism,” Wesleyan College, October 8, 2003
- “The First Last Crusade: On the Apocalyptic Genealogy of the First Crusade,” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May, 2003-11-12
- “The Uncertainty of Coronation Rituals: On the Imperial Coronations of 801 and 1111,” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May, 2002
- “Messianic Peace and the Yoke of God’s Kingship: Visions of Global Civil Society in 700 BCE,” The Experience of God in the Monotheistic Religions (David Hartman Institute, Jerusalem, April 21, 2002)
- “Remembering Future’s Past: On the Medieval Memory of Apocalyptic Moments,” Memoria: Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Christianity and Judaism (Rice University, April 7, 2002)
- “No King but God: Demotic Religiosity and the Mutation of the Year 1000,” University of Chicago, November 28, 2001
- “The Dilemma of National Pride for Modern Day Germany,” joint address with the Consul General of Germany (Hebrew College, Boston, October 18, 2001)
- “Bin Laden, Islamism, and Active, Cataclysmic Apocalyptic,” Presentation to the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, (White Plains, November 9, 2001)
- “Hierarchical Millennialism and the Last Emperors: From Constantine to Frederick II,” (Wissenkultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, October 5, 2001)
- “The Millennial Charlemagne and the Modern Historian: Problems in Psychohistory,” (International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May, 2001)
- “Fundamentalism and the Psychological Demands of Civil Society,” Presentation to the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, (White Plains, April 20, 2001)
- “De la Paix de Dieu à la ‘Première’ Croisade: Reflexions sur l’approche historiographique d’Alphonse Dupront,” Colloque Alphonse Dupront, Palais de Luxembourg, Paris, March 29, 2001
- “Isonomia and Civil Society: Some Legal Dimensions of Modernity (New England School of Law, Boston, March 19, 2001)
- “Mapping Sacred Time: Millennial Chronologies and Historical Periodization from Y6K to Y2K,” Keynote address to Mapping Time, Mapping Space, the Medieval Club of New York and The Medieval Studies Program (CUNY, March 2, 2001)
- “Political Monotheism’s Two Millennial Options: No King but God or One God One King,” International Historical Society (Oslo, August 9, 2000)
- “What’s Time to a Pig? On the Difficulties of Understanding Popular Millennialism around 1000,” York University, June 19, 2000.
- “The Future of Millennial Studies,” Keynote address to the German Association of American Studies, Dresden, June 16, 2000.
- “Y1K: Did the Millennium Make a Difference?” Respondant to Christine Smith, Daniel Donaghue and Thomas Bisson, Harvard University Medieval Studies Seminar, December 20, 1999.
- “Christian-Jewish Relations at Millennial Moments,” Yeshiva University, NY, December 14, 1999
- “Jubilaic vs. Apocalyptic Millennialism,” Address to the Catholic
- “Millennialism and the Dynamics of Expectations,” Keynote address of Millennialism and Its Risks: The Case for Jerusalem 2000 (Jerusalem, June 20, 1999)
- “Millennial Dynamics and Millennial Violence,” FBI Conference at Quantico VA, May 7, 1999
- “Owls, Rooster, and Bats: Millennial Phenomena and the Scholar,” Tufts University, February 11, 1999
- “Historians and Millennialism: The Problem of Documentation,” Mount Union College, February 4, 1999
- “Jerusalem Syndrome in 2000: Potential Metastasis of a Previously Individual Phenomenon,” Israeli Psychiatric Society, Jerusalem, December 23, 1998
- “The Anti-Jewish Violence of 1010: Disappointed Apocalyptic Expectation and Apocalyptic Scapegoating,” Jerusalem as Millennial Focus of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Hebrew University, December 21, 1998
- “Roosters, Owls, and Y2K: On Apocalyptic Dynamics,” Naval War College series on Y2K, December 3, 1998, January 7, 1998, March 4, 1999.
- “Millennialism and the Humanities,” National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, November 18, 1998
- “Millennial Culture and Literate Culture,” Amherst College, November 3, 1998
- “Christian Culture at Millennium’s End,” Saint Joseph’s College, CT, October 21, 1998
- “Moment millénariste comme orgasme sociale,” Sexualité et Marriage au moyen âge, Conques, October 15, 1998
- “Millennial Compliance: Collective Religious Enthusiasm with a Good Conscience,” Keynote Address to the National Council of Churches, NY, September 14, 1998
- “The Eleventh Century: At the Origins of Western Modernity,” Leeds International Medieval Historical Conference, Leeds, July 16, 1998.
- “Holocaust as Millennial Moment,” Centrum für Antisemismusforschungen, Berlin, July 14, 1998
- “Jerusalem and the Year 2000: Convergence of Jewish, Christian and Muslim Apocalyptic Expectations” at the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, Jerusalem, July 10, 1998
- “Millennial Heresies at 1000,” Keynote address at the Millennium Conference of the Australian History Association, Sydney Australia; July 8, 1998
- “Archiving the Millennium,” Library of Congress, Washington, June 30, 1998
- “La loi, le justice et le millenarisme: Jalons d’une enquete historique,” Series of Lectures at Université de Paris X, Nanterre, April 30-May 7, 1998
- “While God Tarried: Disappointed Millennialism and the Genealogy of the West,” University of Glasgow, Glasgow, April 29, 1998
- “Rooster, Owls, and Bats: Academic Research and Millennialism,” Denys Hay Memorial Lecture, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April 28. 1998
- “The Year 1000 in England: Scholarship and Its Lacunae,” University of St. Andrews, Saint Andrews, April 27, 1998
- “The Year 2000 and the Middle East: Prospects for Israeli-Arab Dialogue” Palestinian Association for Scholars Studying International Affairs (PASSIA), East Jerusalem, April 14, 1998
- “Jerusalem and the Year 2000: Issues for Policy Makers,” Foreign Ministry, Jerusalem, April 9, 1998
- “Millennialism and the Arts” and “Illustrations of the Book of Revelation: From Beatus to Alan Crite,” at the Boston Millennial Arts Conference, Massachusetts College for the Arts, Boston, April 3, 1998
- “Owls, Roosters, and Academics: Scholarship and Apocalyptic Beliefs,” Southern Methodist University, Dallas, March 30, 1998
- “Holocaust as Millennial Moment: Initial Investigations,” Center for Millennial Studies, Boston University, Boston, March 22, 1998
- “Impact of Apocalyptic Expectations on Interfaith Relations,” Boston College Trialogue, Boston, March 17, 1998
- “Music and the Millennium,” Trinity College Symposium, Hartford, March 16, 1998
- “Millennialism and the Business Community,” Nichols College, Worcester, February 8, 1988
- “Weeping Warriors at the End of the Millennium: From Peace of God to Promise Keepers,” Public Address, Yale University, January 22, 1998
- “Millennial Studies: The State of Scholarship,” Seminar on Millennialism, Yale University, January 21, 1998
- “What’s Time to a Bat: On the Difficulties Historians Have with the Documentary Evidence for Apocalyptic Expectations in the Year 1000,” American Historical Association Conference, Seattle, January 8, 1998
- “On the Relations between History and Science,” Symposium sponsored by the Math Dept at Boston University, November 16, 1997
- “Commoners, the Bible, and Christian-Jewish Interaction: On the Origins of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” Jewish Political Thought, Boston University, October 26, 1997.
- Who’s Afraid of the Year 2000? Apocalyptic Time, Millennial Movements, and the Global Community,” Open Society Institute, NY, October 22, 1997
- “Early Christian Missions and the Tidal Wave Theory of Apocalyptic Conversion to Christianity, 30-530 CE,” Waiting in Fearful Hope: Approaching a New Millennium, University of Wisconsin, September 27-29, 1997
- “Le culte des reliques au bas empire et aux haut moyen âges: Du millénarisme augustinien populaire,” Mentalités et comportements religieux, Laboratoire d’Histoire de l’Université du Littoral, Boulogne-sur-Mer, September, 1997.
- “The Misnamed ‘Middle’ Ages: Perspectives on a Last Age Past,” Medieval Futures: Thinking about the Future, 1000-1500 Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Bristol, plenary address, August, 1997.
- “La Mutation de l’An Mil,” a month-long series of seminars at L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, May, 1997.
- Jerusalem in Millennial Perspective, Yad ben Zvi, Jerusalem, April, 1997
- Iconoclasm: The Possibility of Representation in Religion, Heidelberg, Germany, February 10-14, 1997
- Contemporary Millenial Movements in East and Southeast Asia, NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, Kyoto, January 27-30, 1997
- “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as an Apocalyptic Text,” Center on Violence and Human Survival, John Jay College, November 21, 1996
- “On the Margins of the Text: Reflections on the Relationship between Oral and Written Discourse at the End of the Fifth Century,” Bild, Ritual, Erinnerung, Geschichtsschreibung: Der Abstraktionsprozess historischer Erinnerung im Mittelalter German Historical Institute, Heidelberg, Sept. 8-11, 1996
- “Apocalyptic Expectations around the Year 1000,” Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Year 1000, Department of Medieval Studies at the Central European University in Budapest, June 17-24, 1996
- “The Peace of God as a Millennial Movement,” at Utrecht Conference on Medieval Transformations May 9-11, 1996
- “Relic Cults at the Intersection of Popular and Elite Cultures: The Case of the Limousin, 980-1300,” Public Lecture at the Cloisters Museum, NY, on the occasion of the joint exhibit Louvre/Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Enamels of Limoges, April 26, 1996
- “Chiliasm, Anti-Semitism, and Jerusalem: On the Motivations of the First Crusaders,” in Clermont and Its Consequences, Medieval Academy of America, April 12, 1996
- “The Peasant Coniuratio of 859: Insights into the Social History of the Late Carolingian Period” French Historical Society, March 22-23, 1996
- “The Jew in the Christian Grammar of Apocalyptic Perceptions: On the Origins of Popular Antisemitism in Eleventh-Century Europe,” Symposium on Messianism, Instituted for Advanced Studies and Jewish Studies, Princeton University, March 17-18, 1996
- “Roosters, Owls and Bats: On the Dynamics and Historiography of Apocalyptic Expectation,” in Apocalyptic Time, Second International Taubes Center Colloquium, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, February 18-23, 1996
- “Le crucifixe pleurant: Au sujet de deux visions insolites dans les Historiae d’Adémar de Chabannes et Raoul Glaber.” ARTEM, Université de Nancy, March 13, 1995
- “De l’an 6000 annus mundi à anno Domini 1000: Aux origines d’un An Mil apocalyptique,” Université de Poitiers/CESCM, Poitiers, March 15, 1995
- “Le peuple, l’aristocratie, et l’église: Adémar de Chabannes et Raoul Glaber en tant que historiens sociales,” Séminaire de recherche en histoire chrétienne, Université de Toulouse, March 28, 1995
- “Le Culte de saint-Martial et la generation de l’an Mil: Reliques, piété publique, et apocalypse (994-1033)” Public lecture sponsored by the Municipality of Limoges in honor of the millennium of the Peace Council of 994, March 30, 1995
- “From Charlemagne to Otto III: The Role of Millennial Dates in European Imperial Politics,” Haifa University, Medieval History Seminar, December 29, 1994
- “Apocalyptic Scapegoating and the Origins of Christian Antisemitism,” Department of Jewish History, Faculty Seminar, Hebrew University, December 28, 1994
- “The Emperor’s New Clothes and the Messiah’s New Kingdom: Notes on Reading Apocalyptic Documents,” Ben Gurion University, December 26, 1994
- “Redating the Miracula Sancti Genulfi to ca. 1000: New Light on France South of the Loire at the Turn of the Millennium,” Kalamazoo Michigan, May, 1994.
- “Apocalypse and the Classics: Another Look at Gerbert/Sylvester II and the `Terreurs de l’an Mil’” Harvard University, Medieval Literature Colloquium, April, 1994.
- “Who was then the Gentleman? The Commoner’s Bible and Social Revolution in the Middle Ages,” AHA Convention, San Francisco, January 8, 1994
- “Christian Reaction to Al-Hakim’s Destruction of the Holy Sepulcher in 1009: Apocalyptic Fears and the The Origins of Popular Anti-semitism in Western Europe” History and Jewish Studies, University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley, February 1993
- “Future Directions in Medieval Historiography,” Panel discussion at the Mellon Society of Fellows, Columbia University, February, 1993
- “From 6000 to 1000: Apocalyptic Expectations from the Coronation of Charlemagne to the Years 1000,” AHA Convention, Chicago, December 28, 1991
- “The Terrible Hopes of the Millennium,” to the Conference Christianity and Its Discontents, 1000-1500, UCLA, January 1991
- “Isonomia and the Dignity of Manual Labor: The Biblical Sources of Democracy in the West,” to the Social Science History Conference, Minneapolis, October 1990
- “The Mutation of the Eleventh Century and the Birth of the Modern West,” Conference on the Middle Ages and Modernization, Harvard U., October, 1989
- “Not a Shred of Evidence: Augustinian Historiography and Millenarianism, 398-1989,” Princeton University, March 9, 1989
- “La vita apostolica au début du XIe siècle: La “Paix de Dieu et la création d’un saint apôtre à Limoges,” Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, February 1, 1989
- “Le Pseudo-Aurélien et Adémar de Chabannes: contributions orales et écrites à la composition hagiographique au XIe siècle” at the Séminaire de Recherche du Centre d’analyse pour l’histoire du Judaïsme Hellenistique et des origines Chrétiennes, Paris, January 31, 1989.
- “The Millennial Generation (1000-1033) and the Origins of the Modern West: Reflections on Apocalyptic Expectations and Popular Religious Movements,” Chicago University History Department, Seminars in Religious History, May 3, 1988
- “From Sheep to Goats: The Problem with Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages” at The Pittsburgh Symposium: Social History and Issues in Consciousness and Cognition, Carnegie Mellon, May 10, 1988
- “The Peace of God and the Communes: A Study in the Relationship of Early and Late 11th Century Popular Movements” French Historical Society, Columbia SC, March 1988.
- “Malthusian and Bosserupian Effects: The Role of Social Imagination and Voluntary Association in the Economic Growth of the Middle Ages,” Comparative Development Seminar Pittsburgh Center for Social History, March 28, 1988
- “Aquitanian Response to the Capetian Accession: The Evidence of the Charters and the Historians,” American Historical Association, Washington DC, Dec 1987.
- “L’accession des Capétiens: Une reconsidération selon les sources,” Millénaire des Capétiens: La France de l’An Mil, Colloque du CNRS, Paris, Auxerre, Sens, July 1987.
- “Charlemagne and the Coronation of the Year 6000: Chronology and Eschatology in Early Medieval Europe,” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1987
- Chair and Respondent, “The Eccclesiastical Peace Movement in the Eleventh Century” International Congress of Medieval History, Kalamazoo, May 1986
- “Turning Point in the Popular Peace Movement: Ralph Glaber and the Councils of 1033,” International Congress of Medieval History, Kalamazoo, May 1986
- “Artistic Temperament, Individual Ambition, and Monastic Envy: The Dilemma of the Historian-Monk in the Early Eleventh Century” Conference: The Impact of Monasticism on Medieval Society, Fordham U. NY, March 1986
- “Charlemagne and the Coronation of the Year 6000: Chronology and Eschatology in Early Medieval Europe,” Columbia Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, New York, March 1985
- “Ademar of Chabannes: Pathological Mythomaniac or Man of His Times?” American Society of Church History, Chicago, December 1984
- “Max Weber in the Eleventh Century: Modernity as the Unintended Consequences of Apocalyptic Expectations around AD 1000,” Bard College, April 1984
- “’Et ut istud miliarium impleatur restant 63 anni…: Millénarisme chronologique et le couronnement impérial de Charlemagne,” 13th International Colloquium, Institute for Medieval History, Catholic University, Louvain, May 1984
- “Waging Peace: New Social Alliances in Aquitaine (989-1031),” AHA, San Francisco, December, 1983
- “The Struggle for Individuality in the Early 11th Century: The Case of Ademar of Chabannes,” International Congress of Medieval History, Kalamazoo, May 1982
- “Millenarismus absconditus: Quelques réflexions méthodologiques sur le millénarisme au Haut Moyen Age,” Colloque du CNRS: Prophétie et prédication au Moyen Age, Paris, February 1982
- “Medieval Medical Licensure: An Ambivalent Legacy,” Davis Seminar, Princeton University, November, 1979