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Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong?
Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad
Mosaic Magazine
The Failure to Understand the Jihad against Israel Led to the Failure to Understand the Jihad against the West.
In October 2000, doctored footage aired on French television purporting to show the twelve-year-old Mohammad al-Dura cowering behind his father as he is shot by Israeli soldiers. While a preponderance of evidence subsequently showed that the video is little more than a hoax, Western media largely ignored that evidence. This incident serves as the touchstone of Richard Landes’s Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong?: Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad, which investigates such distortions and their effects.
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Richard Allen Landes is an American historian and author who specializes in medieval history and millennial beliefs. Until 2015 he taught at Boston University; and he is now an independent scholar and historian in Jerusalem. His current interests include shame-honor culture, news media malfeasance, and various forms of apocalyptic and millennial beliefs.
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